Get to know our managing director Linus Gabrielsson!

Today we would like to introduce our first team member – one of our two founders and the managing director, Linus Gabrielsson.
With over 10 years of experience from the financial industry, including as Head of Digital Transformation, Linus brings expertise in a wide range of topics in diverse business areas, such as project and technology management, as well as regulatory and supplier management. In both his professional and personal life, Linus has one clear red line running through him: Internationality. Not only has Linus already lived in 4 countries and is fluent in 5 languages – his wife was born in Russia, he grew up in Denmark and his three children are growing up in Switzerland speaking three languages!
And of course, in closing, we absolutely must clarify the answer to an important question: Why
Linus says: “Start-ups and innovative projects are very close to my heart. And it’s always a shame to see a really great business idea fail due to a lack of funds. With, we create the possibility for these companies to quickly and easily collect capital so that they can focus on what they do best instead of looking for money.
Do you have any questions for Linus? Drop what you’d like to know in the comments.