What exactly is Das Zelt? 

For a few more weeks, you have the opportunity to become an investor in Das Zelt as part of a crowdinvesting campaign on conda.ch. You’ve probably already heard of this special entertainment company, but what exactly does Das Zelt do?
It is a Swiss touring theatre with a mobile tent infrastructure that travels through German-speaking Switzerland, French-speaking Switzerland and Ticino all year round. Comedians, musicians and theatre artists from Switzerland perform here, as well as international entertainers. Das Zelt was founded in 2002 by tightrope walker David Dimitri and lawyer and bicycle artist Adrian Steiner and was staged at 21 locations throughout Switzerland until 2014. From 2015, operations were expanded to 23 locations and Das Zelt now has three tents at different locations at the same time.
You can find the campaign and the investment function on our website: conda.ch/daszelt